Xing Nian Kuai Le everyone! yupyup ok i heard u layqueen, so i shall be lass lazy and update now!
I'm updating from mi office! Cuz mi work is such that there is new work everyday but all that work takes about 3-4 hours to finish only, and i have to stay here from 9-6, with 1hr lunch break inbetween! so vey slack lah, the rest of the time i spend doin random personal research (into like whether psp or nitendo ds is better) and toking to nicholas online and typing super long emails. but i'm just too lazy to update. But well, i finally am updating!
Hmm.. office life is super boring. I'm like not toking for like hours on end cuz the office is so quiet! I think nowadays i even tok less than mi dad (which is really saying something!) ! but actually if u count in all the sms and msn and emails and singing quietly along to mi ipod maybe I still tok alot :) And all i do is the filing, sorting rearranging etc. ydae mi boss came up to mi with a HUGE stack of paper tell mi he wanna use it for rough paper so he ask mi to cancel out the stuff on the printed side of the paper :S yes, that's how brainless and boring mi job is... And most of the time i'm slacking anyway, cuz they ran out of things for mi to do (afterall mi job scope is only all the admin work lah), so they just ask mi to sit down 1st. And i can do anything on mi personal computer except play solitaire :) and for that matter, i get paid $6.50 an hour, so who's complaining?! They say money very hard to earn, but suppose it's not that hard when u're a temp staff doin only admin :) and now i feel really rich! but then again i'm gonna spend it all on mi mission trip to taiwan, so oh well..
Speaking of mission trip, i'm leaving on 13mar and i'll be there for about a week! We'll be goin there to do a youth camp. And we have to speak CHINESE! Horrors! i'm really bad at speaking! though i can understand if pple tok to mi in chinese lah. Looks like have to brush up lah...
Hmm ok, on to the more exciting bit of mi life... Spent vday in the office, but nicholas was online, so we toked online pretty much the whole day :) and i baked cookies for mi colleagues, but other than that there was no celebration! well, i went home after that and video called nicholas on skype :) Oh in the morning i was awoken by mi sister presenting mi with a present which she kept in her cupboard from nicholas which he left with my sis for her to pass to mi on vday! so sweet rite :) i sent him a card 3 days b4 vday, but it reached 2 days after vday... maybe postman got lost on the way to his house :P
Chinese new year was quite fun. Went to malaysia on the 1st day to visit mi no-so-close relatives. And i realised i got a lot of VERY rich relatives! They give the angbao like 50 or 100 ringgit one lor! So even though we have to divide everything by 2 when we convert to sing dollar, it's still quite alot! Oh and mi younger sis is looking forward to me getting married to nicholas so that she can get ang bao from mi earlier :S (lucky neither of us are cantonese cuz they oso have to older pple, so mi bro wun be getting angbao from mi! hahas) yup, on the 2nd day went to mi godgrandma's house to eat lunch, and we were just watching tv the whole time we were there... Then we visited mi dad's side family, actually only mi 2nd aunt was there, so mi momma just sat about toking to her lah. Then we went for a movie, 'Just follow law' at night. wah it's really funny and touching at the same time! That's wad i like about s'pore productions! :)
And on the 3rd day we went to see mi closer relatives. Mi cousins wanted to play blackjack, so i gambled a bit. and won a lot of money! hahas, but feel quite bad, cuz they all younger than mi then i take their money... Well, anyway, after that went to Jasmine's house for a class gathering, but there was only mi and shermaine and zhini... we play game of life, then we go pasir ris to send faiz off to army and celebrate his b'day :) and mi momma cooked shark's fin soup for dinner! :)
Yup and now it's back to work! Went out with the ogls on wed. LQ, Jas and brian, pls rmb to pay christine back for mi present! Btw, thanks andy, lemuel and christine for the b'day treat and the present! u guys rock! keep in touch k :)
Kk, so that's the end of mi exciting life, it's back to mi boring life again... well, maybe i'll update again soon :) meanwhile everyone take care and zu en man yi (that means God's grace be with u! no pun intended :P)!
Friday, February 23, 2007
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Earning mi 1st dollar
Oh well, so it's been awhile since i updated, and i haven't told very many pple about mi blog yet, so i guess i should do so soon or end up wasting a lot of time blogging for no one to see!
Kk, recently mi life has been rather interesting, at least more interesting than the previous month, where i spent most of mi days moping around the house playing PS2... yes, so this is good.
Hmmm ok, monday nicholas left for Melbourne... Sent him off at the airport... Yup thanks for everyone's concern, heard from mi sis and other pple that once they heard nicholas was goin away they kept asking so how i was... Well, i'm pretty good, at least for now, i dunno whether i'll be not ok later, but things look pretty good, now that i've filled all my days with things to do and i'm not just sitting around thinkin about him all day... But if u're reading this Nicholas, dun worry k, I still miss u, just that i'm putting this extra energy to work so i dun end up being sad while missing u =)
Ah yes, so many pple have asked too how is teaching... Well, i think i can say that I enjoy it =) It's a good job, a noble, meaningful one, and it pays $65 a day!! For that matter i only need to stay in sch some 5.5hours, but anyway, i only teach 3 periods a day at most, and that's 3-4 hours a day! So most pple will say that it's a slack job, but I assure u, this is NO slack job! Teaching is extremely hard work. First of all, u gotta stand up the whole time u're in class and that's 55 mins. Of course u gotta pace around the place and write on the board in addition to clicking the mouse for powerpoint... And for science teachers (like mi), you have to do lab periods as well, for TKGS it's 1.5 hours, and u have to walk around the class that whole time to make sure the students do the stuff correctly and safely (like how to cut a potato the right way). Secondly, you gotta shout ur lungs out everytime u talk, particularly for the naughtier classes who can't stop talking. And this can get awfully tiresome on the throat, so it's impt to carry a rather large bottle. Thirdly, u have to keep ur mind thinking the whole time. So even while like half the class is sleeping or not paying attention, u still have to entertain the other half that's being all nice and attentive! And u can't just go in there for 55min and talk rubbish right? U have to think of the right things to say! Cuz if u teach them the wrong thing, the students (esp the PRC scholars) and the teacher u're reliefing will run after u! And for that matter, on the topic of PRC scholars (not that I have anything against them), you have to answer all their questions, which are mostly out of the textbook, so I have to attempt to dig out wateva stuff i learnt in JC to answer those questions. But in any case, i like them to ask mi questions, at least it proves that they really have wanting to learn more and they pay attention!
And of course this leaves mi all shack when I come home, but there's still lots to do, like prepare lessons and go online to talk to nicholas =) So although mi legs are too tired to stand and mi eyelids are like closing, I have to skip the nap and go do wat's impt... (like preparing wat to say about osmosis for like 55mins)
Oh but teaching in TKGS is great! The teachers are friendly (they all smile at mi even though they dunno mi, so i smile back) and the students feel a certain attachment to someone who has endured the same rubbish as them for 4 yrs and had survived, so they're pretty nice =) And the teachers who taught mi last time are really shocked when they see mi (only a few rmb mi name, but pretty much all remember mi face, even though they comment i look really different), they say I slimmed down a lot! (yay!) But yup, they do stop to chat with mi and ask mi wat's up in my life and all that... Oh and mi juniors (i only know the sec4s) were really shocked when they saw mi too!
Yup, so as you can see, mi life has been rather exciting, I mean with teaching, everyday is a new day! hahas! But anyways, they're only employing mi for this week cuz the teacher (mr peh) went on reservice, so i get to teach bio for one week... Hopefully there'll be more times to go back there and teach lah =)
Meanwhile i've got this admin job at some company in ubi (eunos) which i'll be doin for 1mth... yup so mi life is well, gonna stay so busy...
Ok that's about it, i think i very lor sor... hmmm yup, stay happy everyone, esp u nicholas!
Kk, recently mi life has been rather interesting, at least more interesting than the previous month, where i spent most of mi days moping around the house playing PS2... yes, so this is good.
Hmmm ok, monday nicholas left for Melbourne... Sent him off at the airport... Yup thanks for everyone's concern, heard from mi sis and other pple that once they heard nicholas was goin away they kept asking so how i was... Well, i'm pretty good, at least for now, i dunno whether i'll be not ok later, but things look pretty good, now that i've filled all my days with things to do and i'm not just sitting around thinkin about him all day... But if u're reading this Nicholas, dun worry k, I still miss u, just that i'm putting this extra energy to work so i dun end up being sad while missing u =)
Ah yes, so many pple have asked too how is teaching... Well, i think i can say that I enjoy it =) It's a good job, a noble, meaningful one, and it pays $65 a day!! For that matter i only need to stay in sch some 5.5hours, but anyway, i only teach 3 periods a day at most, and that's 3-4 hours a day! So most pple will say that it's a slack job, but I assure u, this is NO slack job! Teaching is extremely hard work. First of all, u gotta stand up the whole time u're in class and that's 55 mins. Of course u gotta pace around the place and write on the board in addition to clicking the mouse for powerpoint... And for science teachers (like mi), you have to do lab periods as well, for TKGS it's 1.5 hours, and u have to walk around the class that whole time to make sure the students do the stuff correctly and safely (like how to cut a potato the right way). Secondly, you gotta shout ur lungs out everytime u talk, particularly for the naughtier classes who can't stop talking. And this can get awfully tiresome on the throat, so it's impt to carry a rather large bottle. Thirdly, u have to keep ur mind thinking the whole time. So even while like half the class is sleeping or not paying attention, u still have to entertain the other half that's being all nice and attentive! And u can't just go in there for 55min and talk rubbish right? U have to think of the right things to say! Cuz if u teach them the wrong thing, the students (esp the PRC scholars) and the teacher u're reliefing will run after u! And for that matter, on the topic of PRC scholars (not that I have anything against them), you have to answer all their questions, which are mostly out of the textbook, so I have to attempt to dig out wateva stuff i learnt in JC to answer those questions. But in any case, i like them to ask mi questions, at least it proves that they really have wanting to learn more and they pay attention!
And of course this leaves mi all shack when I come home, but there's still lots to do, like prepare lessons and go online to talk to nicholas =) So although mi legs are too tired to stand and mi eyelids are like closing, I have to skip the nap and go do wat's impt... (like preparing wat to say about osmosis for like 55mins)
Oh but teaching in TKGS is great! The teachers are friendly (they all smile at mi even though they dunno mi, so i smile back) and the students feel a certain attachment to someone who has endured the same rubbish as them for 4 yrs and had survived, so they're pretty nice =) And the teachers who taught mi last time are really shocked when they see mi (only a few rmb mi name, but pretty much all remember mi face, even though they comment i look really different), they say I slimmed down a lot! (yay!) But yup, they do stop to chat with mi and ask mi wat's up in my life and all that... Oh and mi juniors (i only know the sec4s) were really shocked when they saw mi too!
Yup, so as you can see, mi life has been rather exciting, I mean with teaching, everyday is a new day! hahas! But anyways, they're only employing mi for this week cuz the teacher (mr peh) went on reservice, so i get to teach bio for one week... Hopefully there'll be more times to go back there and teach lah =)
Meanwhile i've got this admin job at some company in ubi (eunos) which i'll be doin for 1mth... yup so mi life is well, gonna stay so busy...
Ok that's about it, i think i very lor sor... hmmm yup, stay happy everyone, esp u nicholas!
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